Treale, for example, has a fairly straightforward hip-hop rhythm that never deviates from its funereal march, whilst D-Sho Qub is almost danceable (in the strange sense of vintage Detroit techno dissolving back into its own entrails). The most obvious example of this is the fact that the beats which have often been brutally foregrounded before are now not only buried further down but actually slide into the sounds around them like a glove rather than tearing through their skin. If you wanted to give someone a book which best encapsulated Burroughs youd head for his earlier works like Naked Lunch rather than the meanderings of his later writings, but if you wanted to name an Autechre album as the perfect introduction to someone who doesnt otherwise get them then, after nine albums in 17 years, Oversteps would be the one.

Their output has always been defined by apparent volte faces and lateral leaps from album to album: if you were to attempt to draw a line between the proto-IDM of 1993s Incunabula to the molecular breakdown of 2008s Quaristice via the skeletal textures of 1997s Chiastic Slide, it would look less like a graceful arc than the scribbling of a seismograph gone haywire.